Thursday, March 14, 2024

Cherokee Snakebite Remedies

 Just yesterday, I was reading "my kind of article,"  Cherokee Snakebite Remedies, by David Cozzo.  What I like about it is that the author compiles a number of historic documents that address the topic, and provides helpful context for those documents.  That is pretty much the formula I use for many of the posts on this site.  When something is done so well, as with Cozzo's article, I don't see any need to reinvent or recreate the good work.  In reading the article, though, there was one thing missing:  a summary list or index of the many plants mentioned as possible remedies. And that is the point of today's post.

This beauty, stationed in the middle of Wolf Ridge Trail (Great Smoky Mountains National Park), greeted us as we descended from Gregory Bald on June 16, 2013.

I highly recommend Cozzo's article and I think my contribution adds to its value.  My initial reaction to the article was "Yes, it is interesting to read these old accounts of medicinal plants, but in a crisis would I count on them?"  I'll admit that I would be calling 911 during a snakebite emergency.  On the other hand, such an event would likely occur deep in the woods somewhere.  I would stand a good chance of putting my hands on one or more of these plants long before the arrival of paramedics.  So, as a practical matter and not just cultural trivia, the article warrants more study.

These lists could be improved upon.  I suspect the taxonomy needs to be cleaned up.  The popular names of plants are so often interchangeable, and even the scientific names change over time.  Many of the accounts cited by Cozzo are from the 18th and 19th centuries and therefore the listings might not reflect current botanical nomenclature.  

Plants Mentioned in Cozzo article, alphabetical by scientific name:

Ageratina altissima

White Snakeroot

Amphicarpa bracteata

Hog Peanut

Angelica venenosa

Hairy Angelica

Aristolochia serpentaria

Virginia Snakeroot

Asplenium rhizophyllum

Snake’s Tongue

Botrychium virginianum

Rattlesnake Fern

Cacalia atriplicifolia

Pale Indian Plantain

Cicuta maculata

Wild Parsnip

Coronilla varia

Crown Vetch

Cunila origanoides

Mountain Dittany

Eryngium yuccafolium

Rattlesnake Master

Gentiana villosa

Sampson Snakeroot

Helianthus annuus


Hepatica acutiloba


Hypericum gentioides


Hypericum hypericoides

St. Andrew’s Cross

Juncus effusus

Soft Rush

Liriodendron tulipifera

Tulip Poplar

Lobelia inflata

Indian Tobacco

Lycopus virginicus

Water Hoarhound

Pedicularis canadensis


Plantago major

Common Plantain

Polygala senega

Seneca Snakeroot

Prenanthes alba

Rattlesnake Root

Prunella vulgaris


Rhus radicans

Poison Ivy

Rudbeckia fulgida

Black-eyed Susan

Sanicula canadensis

Black Snakeroot

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani

Soft-stemmed Bulrush

Silene stellata

Starry Campion

Spiraea trifoliata

Indian Physic

Thalictrum dioicum

Early Meadow Rue

Tilia americana


Vicia caroliniana

Wood Vetch

Xanthium strumarium


Plants Mentioned in Cozzo article, alphabetical by common name:


Tilia americana

Black Snakeroot

Sanicula canadensis

Black-eyed Susan

Rudbeckia fulgida


Xanthium strumarium

Common Plantain

Plantago major

Crown Vetch

Coronilla varia

Early Meadow Rue

Thalictrum dioicum

Hairy Angelica

Angelica venenosa


Prunella vulgaris


Hepatica acutiloba

Hog Peanut

Amphicarpa bracteata

Indian Physic

Spiraea trifoliata

Indian Tobacco

Lobelia inflata


Pedicularis canadensis

Mountain Dittany

Cunila origanoides

Pale Indian Plantain

Cacalia atriplicifolia


Hypericum gentioides

Poison Ivy

Rhus radicans

Rattlesnake Fern

Botrychium virginianum

Rattlesnake Master

Eryngium yuccafolium

Rattlesnake Root

Prenanthes alba

Sampson Snakeroot

Gentiana villosa

Seneca Snakeroot

Polygala senega

Snake’s Tongue

Asplenium rhizophyllum

Soft Rush

Juncus effusus

Soft-stemmed Bulrush

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani

St. Andrew’s Cross

Hypericum hypericoides

Starry Campion

Silene stellata


Helianthus annuus

Tulip Poplar

Liriodendron tulipifera

Virginia Snakeroot

Aristolochia serpentaria

Water Hoarhound

Lycopus virginicus

White Snakeroot

Ageratina altissima

Wild Parsnip

Cicuta maculata

Wood Vetch

Vicia caroliniana

Citation for original article:

Cozzo, David (2013) "Cherokee Snakebite Remedies," Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Southern Anthropological Society: Vol. 41: No. 1, Article 5.
DOI: 10.56702/MPMC7908/saspro4101.4
Available at:

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